Someone once asked us for which combinations our Cleaner was actually designed for. For exactly nine of them, we said: For bike and biker. For frock and bike. For smooth leather and textiles. For insects and bird shit. For freshness and color. For 100% biodegradable and 0% chemicals. For saving material and contents. For the road and for the eye. For like new and for like cool. For … no, that’s it. It won’t get any cleaner. In short – the cleaner for everything made of leather and textiles! Everything? Yes, also suitable for multifunctional textiles and your helmet lining.

You think that’s great? We are touched, but you should shake before you start cleaning.

This is the right combination: brush off loose dirt, then spray on Van Mell Combi Cleaner and let it work. Then finish off with a damp Van Mell fleece. Dry and ready!

For leather, use Van Mell Leather Foam – we don’t want cow, calf, kangaroo or even buffalo penis leather to dry out.

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